Field Notes

Building Climate Resilience

By sharing information and working together, tribes can learn to thrive in a hotter, more arid world, according to speakers and participants at the recently concluded Southwest Adaptation Forum.

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A Bumpy Road for Electric Vehicles

Extreme weather, long driving distances and a shortage of charging stations can discourage use of electric vehicles on many reservations. Speakers at a recent Tribal Clean Transportation Program roundtable discussed solutions.

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Studying Up on Treaty Rights

The Biden administration is hoping to strengthen understanding of tribal treaty and reserved rights among federal employees through training modules developed by the White House Council on Native American Affairs

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Biden Administration Promises Less Paperwork

At the recently concluded Tribal Nations Summit, President Biden signed an executive order directing agencies to streamline grant applications, co-manage federal programs, and “eliminate heavy-handed reporting requirements.” New opportunities for TCU students and faculty were also highlighted.

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