Field Notes

The Story of Education

Dr. Costello Brown worked to advance educational opportunity for minorities during his long tenure at the National Science Foundation. In a new memoir, he writes about his family’s experiences with slavery and the importance of education in his own life.

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Leading the Way

Out of necessity, tribes became leaders in the battle against Covid-19. A recent conference, hosted by Dine College, investigated what the nation can learn from their work.

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Safety First

Settling in for the long haul, tribal colleges are rearranging academic calendars, loaning laptops, installing Plexiglas, offering tuition discounts, and hosting virtual social events as Covid-19 maintains its grip on reservations nationwide.

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Building Connections

Most tribal college IT departments are understaffed and rely on outdated equipment. However, there are cost effective ways to overcome cyberinfrastructure limitations, according to a recently completed study.

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Coronavirus Updates

The latest news related to COVID-19 responses at tribal colleges and within Native communities: Colleges celebrate graduations online; number of cases on Navajo Nation exceed 6,000; colleges maintain online instruction though summer [Updated June 9]

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